The MODBOX project focused on producing tangible experiences through electronic devices. The MODBAG (right) and The Motivator (left) are boxing apparatus that aid in tracking and educating the user so they can reach their fitness goals.
Deliverables were: working electronic prototypes produced and coded with Arduino boards, a working/interactive app interface, two designs that could work independently and together.

The first few designs (left) were presented at the initial concept stage and were chosen for development. Iterative sketching allowed quick variations of the design to be explored and the second phase design was submitted (above). This was iterated upon again to arrive at a design that fulfilled the criteria.

The system involves both products working together (sketched left). The MODBAG provides routines for the user to follow whereas The Motivator ensures that the user is always moving through encouraging lights and vibrations.
The app updates after each session and shows feedback, tracks mental health and overall progress.

Both products were modelled in CAD to provide an accurate 3D representation and rendered images. This CAD work was performed by other group members and Photoshop editing was performed by myself.

Final working electronic models were produced in order to communicate the tangible interaction a user would experience. The Motivator model had a Neopixel ring and an accelerometer attached so that when moving, the ring glowed green.
However, when the user comes to a stop the band will vibrate and turn red until it detects movement again which thus, incentivises users to continue to be active throughout their session.